Singing at 9.30 mass 17th January 2016

Hymns for 9.30 mass on Sunday 17th January 2016 (2nd Sunday in Ordinary time Year C)

“Gather us In” (253)

“Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo” (408)

Psalm 95(96): “Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.”

Gospel acclamation: Alleluia 1 (from new book) then we say: “Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life: you have the message of eternal life.” Then again we sing the Allelulia 1.

Offertory – “In Bread We Bring You Lord” (302)

Sanctus: “Holy, holy” (433)

Mystery of faith: “Save us, Saviour of the world…”

Communion: “Bread of Life, Truth Eternal” (862)

Communion: “As I kneel before You” (859)

Second collection: Ubi Caritas

Recessional hymn: “Shine, Jesus Shine” (388)



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